Distillery Road Gin - 750ml
Distillery Road Gin - 750ml
A modern gin for the contemporary gin drinker, Distillery Road, is a wonderful blend of old and new; ‘think a contemporary taste created with the London dry method’.
This spirit leads with top notes of lime and coriander on the nose, following on the palate with distinct warmth (thanks to cracked black pepper) melding with ginger to create a warm rounded mouthfeel.
The mid-palate lingers with the warmth of black pepper allowing the more subtle notes to sink into your palate. These more delicate notes have perfumed strains of fynbos such as Confetti Bush and Lemon Pelargonium.
Finally this gentle spicy gin rounds off with the root base of Angelica which carries it through to the finish.
The Perfect Serve
50mls Distillery Road Gin,
200mls Indian Tonic
Garnish with lemon wheel & freshly sliced ginger